Sunday, November 13, 2011

Does anyone know is it safe to take siberian ginseng with sodium valproate?

I am taking sodium valproate 600mg. But i want to take siberian ginseng 250mg for fatigue.|||Hi there sodium valproate(depekote) is used to treat chemical imbalnce in the brain it was first introduced for epilepsy but is now widely used for the treatment of bi-polar(manic depression) if you are taking the medication and nothing else i.e antidepressants and anti psychotics then ginseng is safe to take but if you are on this medication in conjuction with any of the other medicines then i would not recommend taking any siberian ginseng as it reacts with alot of anti depressants and anti psychotics as it has the same properties as the depekote i would consult your doctor or a qualified alternative health therapist before taking any herbal treatments good luck hope this helps

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