Saturday, November 19, 2011

How many milligrams of ginseng will it take to make me drunk high?

i want to be very high to the point where i act crazy lol i'm 13 and i don't have alcohol. i take ginseng in a cup of crystal light green tea. how do I get high and stay like that to the point where everything is ha ha funny and i feel no embarrassment i feel so high|||Ginseng has a medicinal use, not a recreation drug use. Odds are taking a dose of ginseng high enough for you to be "high" is very dangerous.

If you do experience an effect, because ginseng is more of a stimulant, you won't act "crazy", but more focused and with more energy. Any effect you are feeling right now is probably the placebo effect.|||the best high you will ever get is being fit and healthy get your high through exercise believe me everything else is not worth it and nothing special

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